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Really big problem with picture insert.
erikseriks28Date: Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 16:35 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Posts: 11
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I have a problem in my web page eriksworld.at.ua I use template Excali but I don't understand why the image does not show this box sad


But the front page too it shows full size.
Does anyone can help me solve it?
Or explain how to remove a small frame at all.

Added (18.01.2012, 16:35)
I noticed that designe to customize the Ad Board at the page with content section I saw You do not have a Any sections created, so this template is Unnecessary.

But there I have placed the code and maybe it is also responsible for the frame?
What I would do for these things?

Message edited by erikseriks28 - Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 16:37
Filip5Date: Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 19:12 | Message # 2
Group: Verified
Posts: 117
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Status: Offline
Tell me, wich css code do you want? I have removed that frame from my page...
erikseriks28Date: Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 19:18 | Message # 3
Group: Users
Posts: 11
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Status: Offline
I in site news --- apparance of entries remove this
<img class="image-left image-border" src="$OTHER1$" border="0" width="150" height="180" alt="images" />
and frame are removed but it is correctly?
Filip5Date: Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 22:02 | Message # 4
Group: Verified
Posts: 117
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Status: Offline
Try this code,it should either work...At least did for me...

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="eBlock"><tr><td style="padding:3px;">
<?if($MODER_PANEL$)?><div style="float:right">$MODER_PANEL$</div><?endif?>
<div class="eTitle" style="text-align:left;"><a href="$ENTRY_URL$">$TITLE$</a></div>
<?if($MESSAGE$)?><div class="eMessage" style="text-align:left;clear:both;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;">$MESSAGE$</div><?endif?>
<?if($ATTACHMENTS$)?><div class="eAttach">Attachments: $ATTACHMENTS$</div><?endif?><div class="eDetails" style="clear:both;">
<?if($RATING$)?><div style="float:right"><?$RSTARS$('12','/.s/img/stars/3/12.png','0','float')?></div><?endif?>
<?if($CATEGORY_NAME$)?>Category: <a href="$CATEGORY_URL$">$CATEGORY_NAME$</a> |<?endif?>
Views: $READS$ |
<?if($USERNAME$)?>Added by: <a href="$PROFILE_URL$">$USERNAME$</a> |<?endif?>
Date: <span title="$TIME$">$DATE$</span>
<?if($COMMENTS_URL$)?>| <a href="$COMMENTS_URL$">Comments ($COMMENTS_NUM$)</a><?endif?>
</div></td></tr></table><br />

Just replace apperance of entries in your site news css...

Message edited by Filip5 - Wednesday, 18.01.2012, 22:05
erikseriks28Date: Thursday, 19.01.2012, 01:21 | Message # 5
Group: Users
Posts: 11
Awards: 0
Status: Offline
This code will remove all the news page design.
My code
<div class="grid">
   <h3><a href="$ENTRY_URL$"><span class="jv-title">$TITLE$</span></a><span id="paginate-jvvmcatpro7" class="jv-navigation"> </span><span class="jv-viewall"> $MODER_PANEL$</span></h3>
   <div class="grid-col">
     <p><a href="$ENTRY_URL$"><img class="image-left image-border" src="$OTHER1$" border="0" width="150" height="180" alt="images" /></a>$MESSAGE$</p>
   <div class="clear"></div>
   <div id="contentbut"><a href="$ENTRY_URL$" class="button-big">Read more...</a></div>
   <div class="clear"></div>
   <div class="line">
     <div class="line2">
       <div id="contfoo">Added by: <a href="$PROFILE_URL$">$USERNAME$</a>, $DATE$ | View: $READS$ | Comments: <a href="$COMMENTS_URL$">$COMMENTS_NUM$</a>
         <div style="float: right; padding: 3px 4px 3px 0;">

When I remove the code

<img class="image-left image-border" src="$OTHER1$" border="0" width="150" height="180" alt="images" />

The frame are gone. I understand that it will be good for me.If it is not possible to reach to the frame operates correctly.
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