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resizing and replacing CSS style? for logo
Chris8327Date: Tuesday, 21.02.2012, 19:28 | Message # 1
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This is my website:


what is to keep the logo at that exact size but unfortunately it cuts half of it off.
how do I make so it doesn't?

If thats to complicated to be done, then is it possible to move the logo in the middle?

what do i need to edit?

UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 00:05 | Message # 2
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If im not wrong then i think i had the same problem before. The banner you want to add the logo on is maybe splitted in 2 parts, so you can only see your logo on 1 of them. So maybe you have to split your logo in to, and add them on each banner part....I know this is very complycated, but it worked for me. but took long time... (im sure it is an easier way) biggrin

Did you replace your site name with that logo?

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 02:06 | Message # 3
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hmmm,im not sure how to go about and do that lol but ill try,

yes i replaced the site name with the logo, i used CINEMA 4D to create the text
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 02:18 | Message # 4
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Could you post us the code for the top banner where you pasted this img

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 02:25 | Message # 5
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i just deleted the original logo from the file manager and just uploaded my with the same name as the original logo (logo.png), i didnt go into html at all

right click my logo and "inspect element". it should show you the code and were its located in the css
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 02:45 | Message # 6
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For now it looks like you have to make the logo smaller..But have you tried to change the size of this code also? Change it to the size of you logo?

#rt-logo {width: 281px;height: 48px;display: block;}

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:03 | Message # 7
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that probably would work, but i cant find that code on the actual CSS

Main » Customize design » Editing templates

its not there 0_o
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:07 | Message # 8
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Could you post CSS & Template builder here. So i can help you looking for it tongue it have to be there somewhere tongue

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:07 | Message # 9
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never mind i found it.... but it doesnt seem to work =/
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:09 | Message # 10
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you made it biggrin

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:09 | Message # 11
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oh hey it worked :D!!
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:10 | Message # 12
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Allright, Congratz bro biggrin Well Done :

Chris8327Date: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:11 | Message # 13
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thanks man smile
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.02.2012, 03:12 | Message # 14
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Your Welcome booze

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