how can i delete the pages in the upper menu up there: Downloads, Movies and RSS? Im not going to use them so i dont want them to be there...
Also, how do i edit what the user must fill in when he registers, because it doesnt work from user>module settings.
Also, how do i change the "demo" pictures from the media player, the one where you can change the pictures, how do i change those pictures.
also, how can i delete the site friends
and, edit the "ad units".
and if possible, if i can delete the Developed by Rocket theme, ported etc.
Im a noob lolAdded (17.06.2012, 14:32)
Ok found out i have to change code from demo block in order to change pictures and i got an idea of it. So i dont need to know how to change pictures in the demo anymore, but the registration page, the upper menu and site friends and the ad units part i still dont know how to edit them 
Added (17.06.2012, 14:36)
Found out how to delete the downloads/ movies and rss pages from the upper menu so now i need to know only how to edit the registration page, ad unit and delete the site friends :)) thanks
Added (17.06.2012, 14:55)
found out how to delete site friends and edit the ad space.
The only thing i cant find is how to edit the registration page, i really cant find it.