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Please i need some help :(
JDMEXDate: Sunday, 09.10.2011, 16:20 | Message # 1
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hey wassup guys
i downloaded the dominion template, it worked very well , i still having some problems with the scripts...one thing that really annoys me and i have no idea how to change it is
the fact that sometimes , when something goes wrong with the HTML scripts, the right menu desapear, also those 3 "ad blocks" desapear.
now i was almost finishing the site after alot of work and i forget to back up
and something went wrong, and i cant change it back again :((
i was trying this time to "put" a chat on that template, but not the UCoz normal chat, it was exactly the chat from this site : http://ucozers.ucoz.com/

they teach how to put that chat on this topic > http://ucozers.ucoz.com/forum/20-533-1
but, as the dominion template doesnt have a Global botton , i tried to put the chat on other parts...and it didnt worked :/
is not possible to make it work on dominion right?

but the main problem is that menu thing..i dont know why it desapear, already remove the chat scripts and it didnt come back, also those ad blocks

can somebody help me out please? i would be very thankful, cuz i had alot of working on that site and dont want to do it all over again sad

Message edited by JDMEX - Sunday, 09.10.2011, 16:21
adminDate: Monday, 10.10.2011, 11:14 | Message # 2
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Describe all your problems in more detail.
SirDarknight(Tonmoy)Date: Monday, 10.10.2011, 18:01 | Message # 3
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Quote (JDMEX)
i was trying this time to "put" a chat on that template, but not the UCoz normal chat, it was exactly the chat from this site : http://ucozers.ucoz.com/

JDMEX, I'll request you to ask this on ucozers because they are the one who posted the tutorials

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JDMEXDate: Thursday, 13.10.2011, 08:48 | Message # 4
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the side menu disapear

today i Re-install the full theme again,
and it didnt come back :/

i think is something that wasnt changed in the Global Blocks>The First Container

like i said, before i re-install everything, the site was fully modified, colours, images, logo, some desing changes too, colour changes in CSS

and it was working pretty good i think
but moments before this problem appear, the last thing that i was doing was trying to make some stats on the side menu, like "online users, whos online etc" and trying to make that Chat that i told work

sudently the menu desappear when i saved the block
even when i tried to change it back on the control panel by deleting the HTML modifications that i did, it didnt comes back sad

i take this screenshot:
as you can see, this is the main page, still can put the "news", but the site has no bottom on the home page with those credits like that "rocketheme" logo
and it has no side menu too

some how it is "connected" to the AD blocks that appears upper next to the creditis in the bottom of the page

my AD blocks are messed up too when they appear like in forum or other page, they looks like this :
adminDate: Thursday, 13.10.2011, 11:14 | Message # 5
Group: Verified
Posts: 187
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JDMEX, show me link to your website
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