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Template - Forrum
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 13:12 | Message # 1
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Hello Ucoz members and Admins, Mod's + + + cool

I have installed a template from ucoz Templates, and when i got finished i noticed that my forum is totally wrong design (colors) ect.
Do any one know why its like that and could explain me what i should do?

My site is: www.azuremiami.co.nr

and it should look like this: http://excali.ucoz.net/forum

erikseriks28Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 14:47 | Message # 2
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Replace again in CP ---- designe --- Designe managments (templates)content under Forum and all will be ok!

And I have a small request or you could Go in CP ---- designe --- Designe managments (templates)---- under Global Blocks copy and paste here all CSS ?
I am a bit erase a small part of the code smile
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 15:55 | Message # 3
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Do you mean all CSS under Global blocks ?

Banners + container + Navi + Slaider ect?

erikseriks28Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 17:56 | Message # 4
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I'm sorry.... I think only Bottom part of the web site.
Please happy
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:07 | Message # 5
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okey.....By the way, thanks for the help. it did help, but another problem is that i can add logo banner, becouse when i have to add the template code over again, then will the forum become white again,,,so i think thats wierd..

anyway. here is some code. you choose which one biggrin

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erikseriks28Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:34 | Message # 6
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Thank you! happy
Quote (UndisPuted)
i can add logo banner

If with logo banner you thought the picture, who like my site at the top
You need to make your logo pics... and rename it picture to logo after that open your file manager --- images and upoad your pics.

If you thought about this picture place in my site http://eriksworld.at.ua/images/banners/banner1.png
Yu need to make your pics and rename it to banner1 and upload in your file maneger in folder banners which is located in the folder images.
I hope that I understood the idea. smile

Message edited by erikseriks28 - Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:36
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:39 | Message # 7
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Yeah....i ment the banner where u have Eriks World.png logo. i alsa have a png. i wanna out there. so ill try to do what you sayed and see what will happend biggrin

erikseriks28Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:49 | Message # 8
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So I see all is great! cool
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:51 | Message # 9
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yeah...but the banner shows up in 2 places. Min page + Contact us...hmmm.....

Filip5Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:52 | Message # 10
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First thing,this is template EXcali,you posted this in a wrong setction.
To your last post,if you want to replace banner,find that picture in folder,and replace it by the picture with the same name and dimensions...

I have this site,may help you with some things...

Message edited by Filip5 - Sunday, 22.01.2012, 18:52
erikseriks28Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 19:02 | Message # 11
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Quote (UndisPuted)
yeah...but the banner shows up in 2 places. Min page + Contact us...hmmm.....

Really interesting.... I insert image as I said and all is fine! logo are in all places! An if I add new.. to all is ok! smile
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 19:07 | Message # 12
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hehe..guess you are lucky or else am i doing something wrong.

Quote (Filip5)
To your last post,if you want to replace banner,find that picture in folder,and replace it by the picture with the same name and dimensions...

Ive change dimension and name. still the same.

Here is the code:
<!-- Begin header -->
  <div id="jv-headerwrap">
  <div id="jv-header"> <a id="jv-logo" href="/"><img src="http://repofans.ucoz.com/images/logo.png" alt="" /></a> </div>
  <!-- End header -->

Filip5Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 19:12 | Message # 13
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Could you tell me what do you want to do with that banner? I dint get it from the previous posts...
UndisPutedDate: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 19:14 | Message # 14
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okay:D If you go to my site www.azuremiami.co.nr then you see my blue head banner (azure)
and if you click Downloads, Photo Album, Forum. the banner doesnt show only in main page and contact us. Thats the problem smile

Filip5Date: Sunday, 22.01.2012, 19:21 | Message # 15
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Try to replace your forum css code with this,and let me know.

CP-->Design templates--> General appearance of forum pages

Replace the old one with this,but make sure to save the old one into your computer if this one wont work...

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="ru" lang="ru">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />
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