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uGame template
adminDate: Saturday, 06.08.2011, 12:00 | Message # 1
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Chris: Admin the slide Global blocks thing wont display text and images when i have created block and pasted slide code...
adminDate: Saturday, 06.08.2011, 12:09 | Message # 2
Group: Verified
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<div class="rotator">
  <ul id="rotmenu">
  <a href="rot1">Resistance 3</a>   //vertical slider menu
  <div style="display:none;">
  <div class="info_image">1.jpg</div>   //your pictures should be in the folder "images"
  <div class="info_heading">Resistance 3</div>  //text appears in the upper left corner
  <div class="info_description">
  At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio
  dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium
  voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et
  quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate
  non provident... //description
  <a href="#" class="more">Read more</a> //link to entry
FightingForLoveDate: Monday, 29.08.2011, 14:51 | Message # 3
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Hello , i got a problem with SLIDE .

Pictures wont switch automaticly on my website .

Here you can see it , i made an video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz2lh8pe7XM

Here is my website URL : http://windsofwar.ucoz.net

How can i fix this ?


Added (29.08.2011, 14:51)
Any activity on this forum ?

Message edited by FightingForLove - Sunday, 28.08.2011, 12:57
SirDarknight(Tonmoy)Date: Monday, 29.08.2011, 21:02 | Message # 4
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FightingForLove, It's your problem, I don't see anything wrong in your site

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FightingForLoveDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2011, 12:10 | Message # 5
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SirDarknight(Tonmoy), well , i gave your and mine web URL to more then 10 friends , and most of them got problem with this 5 pictures . For some of them pictures wont switch till they click on any of them , for some only first 2 switch and problems like that . So there is a problem in coding for sure ... BTW template looks awesome but this problem :S . So i think i will try to find another good template w/o bugs .
adminDate: Monday, 12.09.2011, 10:24 | Message # 6
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This is a bug in the slider. You can change it to any other.
ViktorDate: Friday, 23.09.2011, 14:06 | Message # 7
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Is there a way to add more game names and pictures on the top bit where it says 'Resistance 3, ANNO 2070......'?
currykidDate: Tuesday, 11.10.2011, 02:02 | Message # 8
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nice temp ..but it creates too many problems

Message edited by currykid - Tuesday, 11.10.2011, 02:53
adminDate: Tuesday, 11.10.2011, 12:42 | Message # 9
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What problems?
SirDarknight(Tonmoy)Date: Thursday, 13.10.2011, 16:00 | Message # 10
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currykid, I'll request you to post about the problems in a new thread

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DimitriasDate: Thursday, 01.12.2011, 17:07 | Message # 11
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I have the same problem with the images not switching.
adminDate: Thursday, 01.12.2011, 17:11 | Message # 12
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Show me your website
denseDate: Monday, 24.09.2012, 06:51 | Message # 13
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how can i add dropdown menu in this templates and how can i also repair my site news
as you can see in my site
like dominion site news how can i have it?\
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