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brightening things up
ExGAssass1nDate: Wednesday, 04.01.2012, 00:05 | Message # 1
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is there a way i can brighten up the boxes on the right of our front page these are making our site look dull.

adminDate: Wednesday, 04.01.2012, 15:35 | Message # 2
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What exactly do you want to do?
ExGAssass1n0216Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 00:18 | Message # 3
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where we've got these boxes on the right and we've got Users online and shoutbox i want to make the dull grey more of a white fading into a red colour, is there a way i can do this.
Filip5Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 00:48 | Message # 4
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I am not sure,but I think its picture used there...so you have to replace ,one picture with another.
Ithave to have same dimensions,and the name.
Then upload it to the exact place as the old one. Dont forget to delete old one first...
adminDate: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 02:54 | Message # 5
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ExGAssass1n0216, this image that you need to change
ExGAssass1n0216Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 03:25 | Message # 6
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nope the one that's a little brighter where it says login and register that brighter grey that needs changing.
adminDate: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 03:34 | Message # 7
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ExGAssass1n0216, yep, it's this image
ExGAssass1nDate: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 04:50 | Message # 8
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right ok now that we've accomplished that this is the image how do i change it's colour.
adminDate: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 12:11 | Message # 9
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ExGAssass1n, in photoshop smile
Filip5Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 13:10 | Message # 10
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Or some editor,you can use online editor (picknick),then replace it and uploand on the website.
ExGAssass1n0216Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 17:49 | Message # 11
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thanks guys for your help, i do know how to upload it to my site using file manager but how would i exactly put it onto my site regarding these boxes, do i have to do it through builder and edit these boxes that way or do i have to go to templates and edit these boxeds and put the relevant colours in that way.
Filip5Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 21:02 | Message # 12
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I ll try to describe it as much as possible.

1.You got your edited picture (remember,that it have to have the same name and dimensions as the old one)( It should be named box-h3)

2. Go to your website->Control panel->Tools->File manager
3.A new chart should pop-up,click on images folder-> find picture named box-h3 and delete it.Then upload your new picture to the same directoy,and it should do the work...

Good luck with it wink

p.s.- This picture will change only some of the buttons,only those defined in css.If you want to change more,you need to replace it the same way as these one. (If you are using google chrome,right click on picture,then save as...)

Message edited by Filip5 - Thursday, 05.01.2012, 21:05
ExGAssass1n0216Date: Thursday, 05.01.2012, 23:29 | Message # 13
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thanks alot for all your help it's much appreciated. Thankyou!!
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