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Red Line Template
sharoniDate: Thursday, 02.02.2012, 01:37 | Message # 1
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After correct installation, sub menu buttons do not appear. cry
Does anyone know why? is a bug?

Filip5Date: Thursday, 02.02.2012, 18:35 | Message # 2
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sharoni, check this post,its all discused there: http://ucoztemplates.com/forum/6-174-1
sharoniDate: Thursday, 02.02.2012, 18:41 | Message # 3
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I had read it already!
But, thanks anyway for intent.
adminDate: Friday, 03.02.2012, 14:28 | Message # 4
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sharoni, show me your website
sharoniDate: Friday, 03.02.2012, 21:26 | Message # 5
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adminDate: Friday, 03.02.2012, 23:55 | Message # 6
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sharoni, please, turn off the snow. wacko
sharoniDate: Saturday, 04.02.2012, 00:56 | Message # 7
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Added (04.02.2012, 00:56)
with "the snow".

adminDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 16:29 | Message # 8
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sharoni, How To Create/Edit Menu's
sharoniDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 17:47 | Message # 9
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it appears like this:
Site menu:$SMENU_1$ Display mode: Vertical
>+Despre Arad
>+In Arad

+Add menu item


Modules in use
Photo albums
Site news

Added (06.02.2012, 17:47)
If it is easier for you, I can give you access to my account.

adminDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 19:10 | Message # 10
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sharoni, have you tried to customize the menu itself?
sharoniDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 19:15 | Message # 11
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Begin to lose my patience ... wink
adminDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 19:17 | Message # 12
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sharoni, have you seen this?
sharoniDate: Monday, 06.02.2012, 19:22 | Message # 13
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not this but I just create submenus in another template and it's ok...

Added (06.02.2012, 19:22)
I think it's a bug and too much work for fix it!
So, never mind.
I give up!

Chibo2164Date: Monday, 30.07.2012, 21:52 | Message # 14
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Template Red Line
Login problem and error on message writing
Only in page with full entry text and....comments
The login form works fine (in main page, category page) until I get the Full entry and associated comments page.
If I try to login when I am in this page it show this error:

<ajax><cmd p="innerHTML" t="blk549178"><div align="left" style="padding:10px;"><div class="myWinLoadSD"></div></div></cmd><cmd p="js">var ad=window.location.href.replace(/#(.*)?/,''); setTimeout("window.location.href='"+ad+"?lSNDiT'",'1000')</cmd></ajax>

And also in the same Full entry and associated comments page when I try to write a message it show this error:

<ajax><cmd t="newEntryB" p="innerHTML+"><div id="comEnt32"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="cBlock2"><tr><td style="padding:3px;"><div style="float:right;font-size:11px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;"><span style="color:gray;"><b>0</b></span> <img alt="" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/icon/thumbu_.png" align="absmiddle" width="13" border="0" title="+1"> <img alt="" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/icon/thumbd_.png" width="13" align="absmiddle" border="0" title="-1"> <img style="cursor:pointer;" align="absmiddle" title="Deschide" onclick="if(document.getElementById('mnc32').style.display=='none'){document.getElementById('mnc32').style.display='';this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnAR_.gif';this.title='Închide';}else{document.getElementById('mnc32').style.display='none';this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnAR.gif';this.title='Deschide';}" border="0" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnAR.gif" width="6" height="16" /><span id="mnc32" style="display:none;"><a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="new _uWnd('Ie',' ',-600,-200,{autosize:1,closeonesc:1,resize:0},{url:'/index/37-32'});return false;"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnE.gif" onmouseover="this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnE_.gif'" onmouseout="this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnE.gif'" width="16" height="16" title="Schimbă" /></a><a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="del_item(32);return false;"><img border="0" id="di32" align="absmiddle" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnD.gif" onmouseover="if (this.src!='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnAjax.gif')this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnD_.gif'" onmouseout="if (this.src!='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnAjax.gif')this.src='http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/EmnD.gif'" width="16" height="16" title="Şterge" /></a><img align="absmiddle" border="0" src="http://s59.ucoz.net/img/fr/Emn.gif" width="1" height="16" /></span></div><div class="cTop" style="text-align:left;"><span class="myWinError">*</span> <a href="#ent32" onclick="if (document.getElementById('comEnt32')){$('body').scrollTo( { top:$('#comEnt32').offset().top-22, left:0}, 500 );return false;}" name="ent32"><b>1</b></a>
<a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="window.open('http://www.marysanstyle.com/index/8-1','up1','scrollbars=1,top=0,left=0,resizable=1,width=680,height=350');return false;"><b>MarysanStyle</b></a> <span style="font-size:7pt;unicode-bidi:embed;">(Astăzi 9:18 PM)</span>

<div class="cMessage" style="text-align:left;clear:both;padding:2px 0;">as</div>

</td></tr></table><br />
</div></cmd><cmd t="eMessage" p="innerHTML"><span class="myWinSuccess">Comentariul a fost adăugat cu succes</span></cmd><cmd p="js">document.addform.message.value='';try{document.addform.code.value='';document.getElementById('secuImgC').src='http://www.marysanstyle.com/secure/?k=;m=addcom59150517;tm='+Math.floor(Math.random()*1e8);}catch(e){} if (document.getElementById('addcBut')){document.getElementById('addcBut').disabled=false;}else{try{document.addform.submit.disabled=false;}catch(e){}}</cmd></ajax>

Do not know how to solve the problem, or if someone knows the solution.
My site is marysanstyle.com
thanks in advance
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