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Problems with menu template Sparks
iSkreetDate: Wednesday, 22.08.2012, 22:50 | Message # 1
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I'm from Russia so poorly understand your language)

In general I found your template Sparks but the top menu for the pictures here: http://one-for-all.clan.su/ We write code top menu usually html (tmpl) svyazonoe but the menu I have not found (can be bad searching for?
Tell me how to put a menu in place?

And please write clear yet I still do not quite understand your language)
UndisPutedDate: Wednesday, 22.08.2012, 22:57 | Message # 2
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It looks like something is missed in the template code, Have yoy tried to install it over again? Try to copy the code from tmpl again and save it in Template builder.

iSkreetDate: Thursday, 23.08.2012, 03:28 | Message # 3
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yes visited! I'll try to pump it)

Added (23.08.2012, 03:28)
I'm pumped but still (Here's the code that's wrong with it?

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UndisPutedDate: Thursday, 23.08.2012, 19:55 | Message # 4
Group: Verified
Posts: 245
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iSkreet, Try to go to CP > Common Settings > and try to change the version of
"Version of jQuery library :" and save...

iSkreetDate: Friday, 24.08.2012, 08:14 | Message # 5
Group: Users
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Added (24.08.2012, 08:07)
what is a СЗ? For you a stupid question? What I meant was that I still do not quite understand the language and you

Added (24.08.2012, 08:14)
JQuery libraries This notebook?

Filip5Date: Saturday, 13.10.2012, 00:26 | Message # 6
Group: Verified
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iSkreet, please,if your problem still last,write what do you need,I may have a look at it.
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