The uploading or downloading of materials (hereinafter referred to as the “Template”) by registered users of the system (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) shall constitute a general acceptance (the “Acceptance”) of this Agreement. This Agreement has been made in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation.
1. Rights and Obligations of the User
1.1 The User shall undertake to refrain from committing any actions that contravene the Laws or are in conflict with the generally accepted moral code, and any other actions, which cause or may cause failure of the Service.
1.2. After downloading the Template, the User shall acquire the right to use it within the uCoz system.
1.3. The User shall not be allowed to remove the author’s or the Service’s copyright from the Templates that are available for free downloading. When downloading the Template for a fee, the User shall acquire the right to use it (edit, adapt). The User shall not have any distribution rights in respect of the Template.
2. Rights and Obligations of the Author
2.1. When uploading the Template to the Service, its Author shall undertake not to infringe any third party copyrights (rights in respect of graphics and other elements).
2.2. When uploading the Template to the system, its Author shall be obliged to make certain that such Template runs correctly in all modules of the uCoz system website. The Author shall undertake to indicate in the Template’s description those modules of the uCoz system that are not supported by it.
2.3. The Author shall undertake to check whether the Template is correctly viewed in the latest versions of popular web browsers (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, Chrome, Safari).
2.4. By uploading the Template to the Service, its Author shall transfer exclusive distribution rights in respect of the Template to Administration of the Service and shall hereby agree not to distribute it elsewhere.
2.5. The price of the Template shall be determined by the Author and must be agreed by Administration of the Service.
3. Rights and Obligations of Administration of the Service
3.1. Before publishing, all Templates shall be tested for operability on ‘pure website’ (‘pure website’ is a website that has not undergone any changes since its registration). Administration of the Service shall guarantee correct running of the Template, when it is installed on ‘pure website’.
3.2. Administration of the Service shall not provide technical support of installation, setting and adaptation of the Templates. The Template comes with all necessary instructions, both packed in one archive file.
4. Author’s remuneration
4.1. The payment of author’s remuneration shall be effected by Administration of the Service once a month. It shall be based on the number of downloads of the Template, which is displayed on the page, where such Template is published.
4.2. Information on commission
5. Other terms and conditions
5.1. The fee that has been paid to purchase the Template, which correctly runs on ‘pure website’, is non-returnable. In the event of incorrect running of the Template, the User may apply to Administration of the Service for refunding, having indicated all errors in the Template’s application. If the indicated errors are detected, the corresponding sum of money will be refunded to the User.
5.2. Administration of the Service shall not be liable in case of infringement of third party copyright and shall not participate in settlement of any disputes that may arise.
5.3. Administration of the Service shall reserve the right to alter this Agreement, in its sole discretion and without prior notice.
5.4. The version of this Agreement that is currently in force has been published on the Internet. To view it, please follow this URL:
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