Categories:FreeTemplate builder:yes [?]
Number of columns:2
Website width:1000 px
File size:b, zip
Template author:uCozTemplates
Last time updated:23.08.2013
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This is a stylish template in dark colors. It is perfect for a photo album as well as for watching video online. The template has been tested with IE 7-8, Google, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera.
Îţi urăm sărbători fericite şi mulţumim pentru că foloseşti serviciile noastre.
Pentru orice alte întrebări legate de sistemul uCoz contactează-ne cu încredere. Mult succes proiectelor tale create prin intermediul creatorului de site-uri uCoz.
"<!-- <popup> --><!-- </popup> -->"Şablonul nu conţine codul necesar $POWERED_BY$
Everything is working right.
Just follow the instructions.
All the issues which were listed above and also some others are still unfixed (drop down menu, slider, up button, even login and logout doesn't work ). I think it has some problem in javascripts.
(I use ucoz for 3 years, and have 8 great websites running smoothly- only this has problems). Please do your best and try to fix it, because I find this template great and really would like to use it! Thanks!
UP button doesn't work, Slider doesn't work. After installing Aixam, block constructor doesn't work. I mean I can't push any button because they all disappear after switching on the constructor. I didn't find if this template supports categories in photos, articles etc.
What browser do you use?
UP button is working fine for me. Slider are also working.
Please make sure you've installed the template correctly.
I used Safari, FireFox, Opera and Chrome.
I can't be sure about correct installing because the constructor doesn't work at all. It's impossible to finish the very last steps.
Also make sure you've opened files in Notepad (not Word or other text editor).
I use your templates from more of 6 monts. From 1or may be 2 monts, i have problem with some functions. Like : UP button doesn't work; when i want to see my order i click on the number of the orders and - nothing. If you can help me i realy will thank you so much!
I guess you have javascript conflict on you website.
You've changed your website a lot and we don't support problems caused by user's actions.
Please ask your question on http://forum.ucoz.com
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